November 2017 - Japan Blog 1

Hey Kitten Feathers.
Welcome back to my blog!

So as you know for most of November I have been in Japan, having one of the biggest and most amazing adventures of my life with my partner. But now it’s December and well, sadly I’m back in Australia... I have been home for a week now, but getting straight back into work and everyday life has meant that I have only just had time to sit down and really let the events of the trip to Japan sink in. It has been a really mixed bag of emotions sitting down to write this; the very first blog. I think that comes from how much this trip meant to me and how much it has helped me to grow and connect with the person I want to be as well as getting to share my amazing experience with you means all that much more to me.

On our travels we were lucky enough to visit Tokyo, Kyoto and spend a single day in Osaka over the course of 15 days (we were actually traveling for 17 days if you include getting there, coming home and the little stops in Singapore) and it was not nearly long enough to see and do everything that we wanted too, but it was enough to view some amazing things and enjoy once-in-a-lifetime experiences. 

 I was surprised how quickly and easily it felt like home when we arrived; a strange sensation for me, we settled into our travel and daily routines as if we had been there before. Maybe I am just over thinking it? Japan’s public transport system is amazing and we never really needed anything else to get around, but there will be much more on that in other blogs. Otherwise, our accommodation was more comfortable and homely than a hotel and I can confirm that convenience store food in Japan is a valuable boon, it tastes good and if you want to keep your budget down, I very much recommend giving it a try, I promise you will not be disappointed.  

My journey in Japan has given me a renewed, re-invigorated passion for what I really love doing! The adventure as a whole has given me the push to really work hard on my cosplay and fashion with a new fervor. Not to mention, it has made me want to do more and share more with all of you. Getting to visit Harajuku and getting to see all the places I have been dreaming of experiencing for so long has been a really affirming life experience for me as a creator and I would love to return.

As many of you may wonder, there was loot; lots and lots of loot. So, I will try and include information about where it was from and why I go in each blog. With that said, here is a teaser to get you through until then (also, has anyone told you GashaPon are crazy additive? No one told me! XD).

OK, so I think I am rambling now. From here, once I can collect and catalogue my thoughts in a well-rationed manner I will give you some longer and hopefully insightful blogs about my time and experiences in Japan. I hope you give you more than just a written blog about this; I aim to share a little vlog from my point of view as well. This will come later… I have 170-something videos to edit and put together! To go with that horde, there are literally hundreds of photos to go through for you, as I narrate my experiences I will have more of them to share.

Thank you for stopping by to read today, your support means everything to me! As always, stay Kawaii and I’ll catch you next time.

Miss Nightfeathers xoxo


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